
Midnight of the day

Hey guys, know what the days now?
Okies! It's holidays.
First, have to tell yours Happy holidays for about two weeks.

January, February, March, April, and this month is May. Times really gone fast
For me, spm is getting closer and closer. And ,the mid year exam over ald, what my feeling was. I finally get through it,
Really really gonna say it, I did all the subjects by myself!  In those three weeks, I thought I may die or tired until can't sleep, I re-study all the subjects as more as I could.
And what I want to say is, I didn't cheat during exam!!!  I did it all by myself
Ugh, just forget about whether it's wrong or incorrect,  and there a little bit tricky question need to be asked sometimes. But, seriously I did it without cheating and questioning anymore.

I thought it may a good beginning for me, and I gonna keep this until the end .
Support?  Hahahah sureee !

Next, last Saturday went to Taylor's university with school team and friends.
We met new friends and have so much of funs I never had.
Those sweets memories and pictures are the best things that proved .

I'm a driver now , drive my own car, it really exciting and extremely _____
Don't you ever thinking that one day you put up your shoes, steps into the car and control it by yourself.
What I feel is, such fantastic

Seventeen girl, 
For the next ten years, there's a twenty seven woman.
She might be gorgeous, talent, faithful, adorable, failure, unmistakable
There's no such things of get to know of  future, and prepared before it.
What she can do is,
Follow your heart, do what you want, whatever is it, wherever it be, whenever it happened, you won't feel guilty because you already did it, don't you?

I'm not going to say what I did  or think is mature . But I gonna proved that I'll never regret and confuse the passed.
Sometimes it hard to adapt and accept,but everything need to try before you make the conclusion.

Hope and prefer never have the same meaning. I hope you can do the best, but whatever you choose, I support you as long as we been together.
I prefer you to do the right things,it doesn't mean that I rejected the choice you make, it just probably not right at all, and I'd find the better way for you.

I'm just fine with all the things that mixed with love. I know I may never show it, but it really make me think that I'm disgusting for it.
Girls, if you never trust your boys, for only once ,so why did you have a relationship with them?  Did it so great to have this type of action? Guess you never know that best friendship care about feeling, not the motion ,pictures and conversation. None of it.

In my secondary school
Form one, I still remembered I was a fatty girl. I met one girl that special for me.She is quite shy, and quite anytime. Because of her, study is not a hard works for me.
Form two, I met my best friend and best boy friend. She's caring, taking care of me all the times, we knew each others and get better by the time passed. He gave me a good image when we first met, tall, white and shine eyes all the time.
They're my best friends ever and ever

Form three, this was a crazy year for me. He the one who give happiness and craziness for us. And, he's the one who make me feel that he is very very shy and unsuitable with them ,at all .
But, there's mistakes always. Although they have different attitude, but they are the noisiest boys in that class.
I'm proud of them

Form four, separate class finally
We're all in different class, as usual
This year, he's the one who most close with me, we having same tuition, talking together, playing together. Best memories always gone fast.

Form five, this is the last year for me in secondary school.
I'll fulfill the days that left.
And making it a best conclusion at the last of the pages.

Thus, goodnight to my dearest, sweet dreams, my love will always be with yours.