

As the time passed , we all are growing up . So fast . Come to the end of the year , happy December . 

I gonna to say that . November is the trouble month for me . 
I started spm in this month 
And many things happen in this month.

The latest , I was sent to hospital again 
Just because of that stupid fellow things about the period , woman's things .
I was mad  anger ? How weak is my body and I can't even handle it . 
It's fucking pain , and you gonna believe that I'm not lying . I cried like losing control , I knew I scared my mum . But I didn't had the choice . It make me crumble . Hopefully , my entire life will getting better and stay away from this silly sickness . 

Well it's grate to say : left one paper for me In December ! 
So , I think I put effort on some objects , and the left . I'm just say I try my best .
That's the word : pay more gain more .
God bless me !!! Although I'm nt a Kristian 

Friendship , it hard to say about it .
I realize evertime I touch my blog 
I always want to say something's about friendship . 
We argue . I think so . And I just want to give up and forget all those things happened . I felt dissappointed . Why you 
Not the one who told me the things 
At first ? Okay , I'm just really focus in those things . Maybe some kind of friend 
They didn't even bother . 
For me , I want to know things you had decided from you own , not the other who should told me about your stuff 
You know how i fell ? 
I feel awkward and sad . It is so bad . 
Hey you're kidding me z 

After the last paper , maybe I'll find a job for myself ? 
Learn to be a discipline girl , don't worry my mum . It just a suggest 
Lol , I didn't even think I can do it . 

Just simply update , here to say 
Goodnight dearest , sweet dream always