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Yoooo, my blog ... seem like so long I'd abondon You. So sorry ah haha.

Soooo . There are not much things I want to say But is great that I im sem break ing. Well this is the most long sem break i had among this semseters . I didnt plan many except meet with some old friends, try to learn bake and read more and more novel i ever could. I know it is kinda boring becuz normally people are hanging out around with their friends *** My best friends is kinda that hard to date and im a super lazy people who dont like go out. This is weird

Erm... 2014 year is going to end . Times really flies. I still rmb that i just free from high school and now i am preparing welcome my new age, 19 . The next next year i will become a 20 years old lady and it really so old for me ald . LoL  .annoying ah.

I list a bucket list for myself, not many But kind hard. Wish that I could mark them with a tick..  hehe. I Still remember the first time I decided to lose weight was form 2 . It was a pretty memorable year for me *** until now, I think I never probably work hard on it..  yay, it really hard for me kah. Shame --------- my mum keep yelling at me like:  exercise is the most important thing to lose weight, others are all failllw. 
Super super agree with her and I guess everyone should has a great feeling through exercise..  Find out yourself bah guys
All of This is just mumbling at myself

Ok lah,  fei hua shao shuo. I just simply update cuz If not This blog is gonna say byebye ler. I kinda love the situation that I'm going through and hope my family is safe,healthy, and happy. Muackz. Love ya