
This is ... Life

Perfectly , things go through in what it supposed to be . 

I'm still in where I belong to , life goes on

Trial exam is finally really over . 
Feel like it is not important anymore ?
I just guess that , maybe ... Suppose .. Or .. Just need to let things go 

You messed up this time , you put more effort on it . So , this is the words I should remember it for the continuosly months . 
Hope it really works on me . 

Seriously , I knew my Chinese subject was out of title . Hopping that it will not that worst than I thought . Geeeeee

And , it's happy to say 
My own class graduation trip 
Was finally , completely settled . 
I knew how terrible the job was , 
And I knew I won't success it without my friends . They helped me a lot . Thanks so much .

Far and far , now we are discussing on our t-shirt ... Well , I guess I'll try my best to do it 
Just  dun really want the things happen again . Buzzz

Ahh , this few days, I'm watching the global we are married . 
Honestly , I like guigui and tachyeon , pretty love this couple . 
I was touched by tachyeon when that times he gave the proposal to guigui 
Tears drop !!!!! Romantic lah 
Althought I think he is not such enthusiasm at guigui , but I can feel how real is his smile whenever they were together . Guiiiiiguiiiii is the cutest lah...

Actually , I still have so much to type it out . Whenever I feel cold , I hope that someone will realize it . Not hoping your help or anyelse , just hope that someone could understand me . Say it out deep in my heart . 

Goodnight , world . Tomorow is the better day for me and for yours .



每个月的几天, 都感觉特别颓废
或许只是思想的太多 、 自己给自己烦恼
这个月进行trial exam 实话实说 我并没有那么的充份准备 

对我打击非常大 、 拿到考卷的那个时刻
我败下了 。 
这一次考不好、 下一次在努力
我们还有多少的时间可以重来 可以浪费?

就因为对自己有信心、 我对自己的要求都很高  失败的时候、 那种感觉真不好受。 摔得真的很痛 

当作没事 劝自己看开点 、事情终会变好
我把目标推得远远的 远距离看着他 
感受被遗弃的滋味 、累得想大笑

追寻新的刺激 新的启发 新的希望

我还是想说 :
dot judge people by his cover . 
你不是我 、你不懂我 
你和我相处的时间 我用手指头都能算出
我不喜欢讲话? 很酷很硬脾气得什么的
不了解就别随便说出 你没资格 
但实话这里有一句 : 你没好到能让我发自内心看待你 是你没那么本领 怪不得人