
College / uni

Hey blogger , i start writing back my blog after gone through a very long months
Ya , i started my college life , i stayed in hostel about three weeks
First at all , my first impression on my uni is " NOT THAT BIG THAN I EXPERT "
This uni got four blocks , Block A , B C and D .
Really mean that i almost didnt know the uni i study whether is north or south wings
LOL , it's really funny

Four subjects i have take this semester , maths econ marketing and OA
wooowwww i think the math for me is the most easy one
Economic , i guess i like it or maybe love it soon
Honestly . Oa is really not my favor ..........
there are all microsoft office " Excel ... POwer point " blablabla
and the reference book
( just want to throw it when i got )

Here to say , New life New start New beginning
Right ? everyone just got to cross new bridge when they grow up
we gonna take responsible for ourself
well , i'll try my best to get the best mark , and you know ( try to love my sub )
although i knew it's really hard

And now , most of all my friend also start their new college life
except my only precious babe ....... HAHAHA
Maybe you will few scare , pressure , excited or panic
but is ok . everyone just need to step out the first step
I . myself also feel scared the first time i left home .
I miss my family so much , they just keep rolling in my head
I want to touch them , want to see their face , want to feel their warm .
i got sick the first week , I cried for mum is not being with me .
i just like an easy broken doll . Hoping someone is beside me that time

But is okay .. is All right , is fine ....
I made through this  , and i pretty sure that you can do this
We are so tough . so strong
Cheer up , my all dear friends

Stop here and saying goodnight ~!

