
Random again

I'm startIng to  find out that everytime I touch my blog, it's always gonna lead to bad mood + memories. 

I dunno Why, Maybe When you feeling freaking pass out or Moody, here always the best place  for you to write out what you really want to say. 

My baebe hamster passed away few days ago
I know the time will come But I din expected it comes so fast.  She lived with us for almost two years and a half.  I feel sad and sorry and the things I could do was buried her and said Rip.
She was so sweet that bring us the happiness .
She was so small that make us wanted to hug her forever in arm.
She was so weak after and struggled all these week.
She was a sweet angel and Still counting for me

the world is Still rotating but people change.
since When we dun talk to  each other
Since When we dun chat to each other
And since when we dun contact each other
I feel the distance and yeah.
These thing always happen

Today, chewan and me went for swimming
She want me to teach her how to swim and I
Not completely really know-how to *shy*
It's been so long after pmr.
Finally I back to swimming life again.
Gonna take care of my skin carefully becuz I dunwan back to the black skin of me again
It's so funny When I am in black skin
Totally loom like a smuft.

Love ya,  xx

