
Hi november

To all my fellow classmates, Happy happy happy Holiday guys !!! Like finally, it's our sem break 
I just feeeeeel so happy that we been through all these ( six months ) four months together. 
Blessed to meet all of them in my life 
I always hope degree year will be a more particular life, but i never aspects it will so much different
It is so much different that you need to burn your midnight oil everyday 
It is so much different that you do you dont have to bring any paper works while attend class
It is so much different that you get used to it for just having few hours sleeping times in a week
It is so much different that you use a cutter more than a pen 

我知道自己就是死脑筋 决定好的事情就说一不二
我不知道曾几何时就有这个念头 这种感觉来的太突然 
还记得小学的志愿是当个会计师 当模特儿 当空姐 
上了中学就想说当个服装设计师吧 画家啊 或者音乐家
很多人都对我说这一科不容易读 而且时间也久
可我已经选择往这条路走下去  那当然不会再往回倒

My mum always remind me dun forget to be confident 
It is a power/energy that keep you continue to walk 
but things dun always stay to be good 
that was some times you will lose confident to yourself 
you will scare you cant pass your final exam at the end 
you will scare your project will reject by lecturer
you will scare that you will let your mum down. 
I know is normal that people feel confused sometimes 
like we will afraid things will fall down apart that really hurt you badly

谁没有害怕过? 谁没有迷失过 
就像当你认为你已经付出了100 巴仙的努力 可是结果却让你大受打击 
可哭的当时你又得告诉自己 哭过后又得继续努力 继续奋斗 这样才不会被打败 
那时候你就会觉得  对啊  这就是现实啊 没有所谓的踏步青云 

还记得那时候赶着final 的internal review 
我把我手指头的一片肉差不多就要割下来了 血都流了满地
朋友问我 伤口那么深 不痛吗 你都没哭呢  
那真是他妈的痛啊 我也想哭啊  眼泪都在眼眶里打搅着
可我知道这不是家里啊  这里没妈妈没姐姐帮你  凡事都得靠自己
还是把那所谓的眼泪收收吧 你还得继续赶final
其实那时候真的想狠狠的哭一场 躲进棉被里好好睡一觉啊

上了degree 让我接触了很多不一样的东西 
不一样的人和事  不一样的沟通和学习 
不出门 不交际 只呆家 只打机 只看小说 只依赖家人 
我觉得这是一种成长 就好比如你一直拒绝任何事(大多数)到慢慢的尝试接受

foundation life was like a quiet period that i'd been through
i was like a good student that on time eat, sleep , and study
never had a thought to go outside never wanted to participate any activities
never wanted to touch any things that I thought i had no interest on 

I think maybe we are in a right timing and in a right place 
to meet someone that are meant to be appear in our life
It's not that foundation year was not that good 
maybe because I had been through that year 
the year that let me scent that this year is more brilliant than the last
people always need to live more good and good than before
more step forward to the precious one in their life. 
and then you will realize that life izint how big you had see it
life is more and more 
 I know sometimes people see it in their own way 
and people meant it in so much different way
because different people have different perception
we dun aspect people to see it in our way
we just need to share it ( sharing mean caring )

Just want to officially say a goodbye to my pet - kiki 
He passed away at end of September
I didnt had the chance to say goodbye and rip to him 
I was not by his side when he was so ill and sick 
I miss him a lot 
and I cried badly when I heard from mum that he gone that day 
He is not the first hamster that i got but he is the most precious one in my heart
I like white , things or living things that have white colour I love it with no reason 
He was so adorable and sweet that make people wanna tresure and love him with full of heart
We been together for almost two years 
Never regret to have you in my life ( secretly bought him when parents opposed me to have a pet )

So im gonna stop here ----- again  
got to fetch my sister back melaka tomorrow morning
gonna go sleep  sweet dream
love ya  xxx

