

Time has been flying by unconsciously from the beginning of the year.
from now on, 2015 was a past
Actually , this post had been in the draft for almost three days
I wrote down some part and delete some and put it in draft and drag out rewrite again
And I always think of it - when will I post this on my blog ? No idea

So I got a mood for today  , to sit down and open my laptop
trying to convert my thought and feelings into words and sentences
becuz i guess today is the perfect day that better than any day

In 2015, I learnt a lot
It was just like the other years, I loved and I lost, I cried and I laughed
I knew I'd been writing too many emotional post in this year
But I'm glad I wrote it down (anyway past is the past )
I still have a lot to learn in being a better friend, family or a crew
I get my result during mine working time and that was the first time I thought that
I wont't have any regret for the decision I had made in my education
That was a pretty fresh memory
I learnt that having a plan is better and more convenient in your daily life
I learnt that sometimes you just have to let go, if it is meant to be, it will always be
I learnt that sometimes people change, to be good or bad
I learnt to enjoy everything in the moment whether it is worth or not

In 2015, I had met a lot of new people, built new relationships
And stayed close with the existing ones
Feel so thankful for those who never left
I'm also glad for those who came into my life
Thank you for making 2015 a memorable and sweet year for me
I celebrated end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 with my bunch of shabai friends
although some were not able to came over, but our hearts will never separate apart
Love you all !

There are two things I need to recall in 2015
- get a 12 hours work per day in December ( BBW Book Fair )
That was the biggest step I'd move
we worked in the Mines mega mall And I stayed in my friend's house
Good experience in my life
although suffer all along the weeks but it was fun and cheerful during the times
Get to met so many people from different places and different university
They taught me a lot , like really a lot HAHA

And the second was ( Big brother's wedding )
It was the very first wedding  in our family
My cousin finally get to marry his lovely wife
So many things to prepare and so many things to learn

Just flip on , Here I wish
everyone a prosperous and healthy 2016
May all of your dream come true
Lots of love 💕💕💕
love ya, xxx

