
No title

Yoooo, my blog ... seem like so long I'd abondon You. So sorry ah haha.

Soooo . There are not much things I want to say But is great that I im sem break ing. Well this is the most long sem break i had among this semseters . I didnt plan many except meet with some old friends, try to learn bake and read more and more novel i ever could. I know it is kinda boring becuz normally people are hanging out around with their friends *** My best friends is kinda that hard to date and im a super lazy people who dont like go out. This is weird

Erm... 2014 year is going to end . Times really flies. I still rmb that i just free from high school and now i am preparing welcome my new age, 19 . The next next year i will become a 20 years old lady and it really so old for me ald . LoL  .annoying ah.

I list a bucket list for myself, not many But kind hard. Wish that I could mark them with a tick..  hehe. I Still remember the first time I decided to lose weight was form 2 . It was a pretty memorable year for me *** until now, I think I never probably work hard on it..  yay, it really hard for me kah. Shame --------- my mum keep yelling at me like:  exercise is the most important thing to lose weight, others are all failllw. 
Super super agree with her and I guess everyone should has a great feeling through exercise..  Find out yourself bah guys
All of This is just mumbling at myself

Ok lah,  fei hua shao shuo. I just simply update cuz If not This blog is gonna say byebye ler. I kinda love the situation that I'm going through and hope my family is safe,healthy, and happy. Muackz. Love ya


Holidays in home

Erm .. peace night on Sunday. So now i'm having a short sem break after the final exam.
First week just passed like this , i'd done nothing but lying on bed watching my novel and drama all day and nights. I thought i might fully utilize mine holidays by doing some very interesting and meaningful things.
But the fact is, I'm not LOL (feel awkward for myself )

On the first day i back from Cheras, i opened my laptop and search some step by step about the comics.
I always want to learn exactly how the detail are going , and know more about drawing . I learned drawing at seven years old , and i stop it after one year. And i didnt have any chances again cuz high school life always so busy . Many tuitions need to attend and homeworks need to be done after school and these make me so lazy to ( you knew ) . When i in uni , I think maybe there are some society that can join but until now i still not sure where is it . My friends told me our first semester/ first year no need to join any society / activities . Because of this , i think maybe i can learn myself on internet, and it is more effectiveness. Nowadays, social media and network are so familiar and general , we can download anythings from www without wasting any money . How convenient right ?

21 August 2014 is qiqi's birthday. To be honest, I almost forget her birthday . (feel so so so sorry ah TT)
At first, we decide to go out dating and celebrate together with her, (i am super free although they are in school ) but in the end she got tuition class and can't skip it cuz she ald skip last week . so we decided to celebrate on the following day .

 going to see ' LUCY'

 Happy Birthday To You

After finish our dinner (forget the restaurant)

Since when i didn't upload any photos ?? LOL i feel like very long long time ago . Very miss that moment we talking loudly , shout crazy ,and smile happily , we asked each others how our life going  how your study in kl and have you make new friends yet ? kind of this . we always talk some stupid things and doesn't matter where we are . People always talk about the best  friends you met in the entire life is at high school . I always think that is true . No matter how best buddy you met in college life , you always think nothing can overcome this friendship . Of cuz lah , they are so sampat. how could i forget them ?? haha . And this is the first time i celebrated qiqi's birthday (she is kind of that dizzy girl )

well , my final exam i think i had try my best , just the last paper / I think it is suck cuz i'd done a terrible mistake. Anyway just hope i wont take too low marks in that paper . Good luck ! god bless us 


In deep heart

Well, today I think maybe I have some mood to update my blog. It always start with So many minds in my head and it come out with just a little words. Gosh, Where are the words gone?? The very  first thing that I want to share is I found myself some special chareteristic
Number one - Every morning I woke up, I start with my blur face and kind of ignoring people who talk to me!  Hmm, I think is kind of,  like "起床气".
Number two - I'm not sure of that but I think is, But I just forget what is it. Lol, I Actually noted down But I just disappear. Fine, I will write it back when I rmb.

Actually, I would like to write down all the days passed and the things that happened since I got in my college. I guess is just too empty on the paper because I didn't have So much exited and memorable days to drop down.

I visited some of the bloggers today and I was amazed by their words and story??
personally ,I didn't join much events in high school cuz I'm kind of lazy pig. Rather watched novel or movie at home than being outside with some activity.
So, from now, I Hope I can take some effort and courage to participate some events in college, learn communicate and learn to smile. These are the goal I set to myself and ___________.

Okay, just a short update . Time to sleep


tik tok tik tok

Apart from the assignments and the exams, the college life is quite fun and happy. I honestly think that my college life is much different than high school life. Ahah, dun get me wrong , i'm not saying that i hate high school, actually it's still memorable and sweet. However, high school life has so many rules and regulations that restrict you from doing this and that ; in college, nobody is going to tell you about the do's and don'ts because you owe it to yourself. You should take responsible for your actions and importantly for yourself.

This month, i got so much assignments and presentation that need to be prepare well before date-line. This is the first time first assignment since i start my foundation . Honestly, i didnt take so much effort on it because i still remember the first time when we were going to do our survey, i get sick and faint. The activity was interrupted by me and finally i was sent to hospital.( hospital that in seremban not kl ) So, i fell awkward and really sorry to all my members but this assignment were completely done under the help of mine friendly friend. Gratez, thank you all so much!

Besides, i think i probably have some problems and questions while studying in college. You got a lot of questions and feel strange when facing to someone you dun know before. You got disagreement when discussing with them and so on You can't point them out because i dun even think they will accept what you had suggest ? But this is at the very first time when we met , and now i think we get to know each others and hope we can deal with .

most importantly, mix with the friend who accept you for who you are. The reason why is to be yourself, everyday. Your college friends are the one whom you are going to meet daily, so if you forcing yourself to be someone you are not , trust me , you will suffer  throughout your college life. Luckily, I meet all these guys, although it's a few, but i really appreciate that i can share my mood, my gossip with them . Btw, I will so miss my bestie whenever i am free . Super miss the moment we been through all the graduation trip . It is totally different in college . Not mean to compare both of this , I'll take both as my precious in my life .

I think is time to end my note today, still got so much things to study and focus cuz my exam are coming this week. Hope the marketing paper dun too hard for me , Bless it .


College / uni

Hey blogger , i start writing back my blog after gone through a very long months
Ya , i started my college life , i stayed in hostel about three weeks
First at all , my first impression on my uni is " NOT THAT BIG THAN I EXPERT "
This uni got four blocks , Block A , B C and D .
Really mean that i almost didnt know the uni i study whether is north or south wings
LOL , it's really funny

Four subjects i have take this semester , maths econ marketing and OA
wooowwww i think the math for me is the most easy one
Economic , i guess i like it or maybe love it soon
Honestly . Oa is really not my favor ..........
there are all microsoft office " Excel ... POwer point " blablabla
and the reference book
( just want to throw it when i got )

Here to say , New life New start New beginning
Right ? everyone just got to cross new bridge when they grow up
we gonna take responsible for ourself
well , i'll try my best to get the best mark , and you know ( try to love my sub )
although i knew it's really hard

And now , most of all my friend also start their new college life
except my only precious babe ....... HAHAHA
Maybe you will few scare , pressure , excited or panic
but is ok . everyone just need to step out the first step
I . myself also feel scared the first time i left home .
I miss my family so much , they just keep rolling in my head
I want to touch them , want to see their face , want to feel their warm .
i got sick the first week , I cried for mum is not being with me .
i just like an easy broken doll . Hoping someone is beside me that time

But is okay .. is All right , is fine ....
I made through this  , and i pretty sure that you can do this
We are so tough . so strong
Cheer up , my all dear friends

Stop here and saying goodnight ~!


awkward chat

I have privatised my blog for a week ++
i had quite confusing mood in the last few weeks
keep looking back my own blog , i felt so strange on it .
So i just closed it .

things happen all these days and a little tiny stuff can control ur whole mood
always get mad when teaching some students are so naughty
noticed that i am totally not suit for being a teacher
I'm not a good teacher , i knew

I'm ready for the college life , just left two weeks
i'll keep moving for the next step .
enjoy the days with mama to buy all the stuff i need
we talked we laugh we either had fun with each others
good memories always in my mind
Love you mama .

Still remembered , often download game to play when having holidaysss
this year , still never miss
but from 3d to 2d .
i mean , the game is very easy to play because you can just let it when you're busy
i make some new friends , they are kindly and always have joke with me
bcuz im the youngest among them .
For me , the friend that i met in games are so real
We chit chat , scold others , make jokes . Take care of each other
i think that maybe i can threat them like a true friend
Why NOT ?

People just gonna re-memories when they getting bigger or older .
me either .
I always miss the moments with my buddies
although some we are almost stranger to each others .
and i would think , why people so easy to change ?
becuz of the reject ?
bcuz of the jealous ?
bcuz of not trust each other ?
Or just bcuz the times  , the times that past too fast
and you even dun realize that you have changed
we just getting further when we're walking and in the end
we just turn the back to each others .

Goodbye My friends , I'll miss the part you were in my life .


Eighteen 18

Okay , something that i need to say is
"Happy Chinese New Year '
So , this year is two zero one four , and i'm officially eighteen
My birthday just past two days
Quite nice to say that i celebrated with all my lovely family
Cousin , aunt , uncle , and others ....
although it fell sad that i didn't celebrated with my good good friends
but anywhere , is okayy . Promise will celebrate together soon

ya , i am 18 , i am a free girl.
i can kick off the shackles and go about my life as my wish
i am not longer back to the school anymore .
and i get away from teachers and those rump bumpp bump
technically , people used to be happy when they get off the suck school life
but i think that physically we used to miss our own school life
those memories  , those funny motions , and etc etc ..
and i felt that maybe i just dun really so miss the school cause people had to look forward right?
you just cant keep re-memories all those things and stay in the same spot .

people in my age start to work when they graduated ..
and a few is going PLKN .
i feel so lucky that i no need to invovle myself in it
because i know i will definetely hate it .
I am too working as a kindergarten teacher .
i get paid , and this work is so fucking tire and hard
till this times , i realize how difficult my mum when working to get the salary
but sometimes , children does cute .
their act , naive and ignorant .. and they often make me laugh

There are so many things i wish to do in 18
get tattoos / piercing 
not have to listen to anyone
move if i want to
get a credit card
get my own cell phone plan
join some dancing class
join my art class
learn how to make up
get a boyfee
work as many hours as i want to
get a car
this is how a legal adult do , right ?
and......  this is what im thinking and maybe i just think
i didn't have to achieve it , because sometimes is just cant happen at all
Dream . !

I am a eighteen girl  . its time for me to get in a new college /uni
make some new friends , take some new action  and
try to enjoy it .
Sit alone in silence for at least ten minute every day
i always use this time to think , plan , reflect ,and dream .
you got to make some change because life is so impressive
i always talk to myself . what should a 18 girl be ?
will they take responsibility to their home
will they sleep until 12 o'clock for doing nothing ?
will they take a risk to achieve the dream that is so impossible
will they strong enough to get through all fucking shit

OOps , it is so much questions that a eighteen should carries about .
and i guess i will non stopping until i get my own answers